Green Slimming Tea
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This organic green leaf tea is a delicate, stimulating beverage made from the season’s fresh harvest of the first young leaves. These handpicked tea leaves from the high mountaintops of Japan are immediately steamed to retain their peak flavor and vibrant, brilliant, green color.
Extensive research confirms the high antioxidant and polyphenol activity found in green tea, and it comes highly recommended as a general cleansing beverage.
These antioxidants can help block the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol, increase HDL (good) cholesterol and improve artery function. A Chinese study published recently in the Archives of Internal Medicine showed a 46%-65% reduction in hypertension risk in regular consumers of green tea, compared to non-consumers of tea.
In a recent 12-week study, participants who combined a daily habit of 4-5 cups of green tea each day with a 25-minute sweat session lost an average of two more pounds than the
The compounds, catechins, found in green tea are belly-fat crusaders that blast adipose tissue by triggering the release of fat from fat cells (particularly in the belly)
Before a workout, turbocharge the fat-blasting effects by sipping a cup of green tea.
These catechins are more powerful than vitamins C and E in halting oxidative damage to cells and appear to have other disease-fighting properties. Studies have found an association between consuming green tea and a reduced risk for several cancers, including, skin, breast, lung, colon, esophageal, and bladder.
With all these health and fat blasting benefits, it's no wonder that Green Tea is a pillar
Drink 1 cup of tea per day.
Use 1 Tbsp tea leaves per quart of water.
Place 1 Tbsp tea leaves in