Air Purification

As much as 62% of all allergy related illnesses are either
caused or aggravated by polluted indoor air.”

-The American College of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology

Experts warn that breathing the air in our homes and workplaces is even more dangerous than outdoor air pollution. According to the EPA, indoor air is 2–5 times more polluted than outdoor air.And an indoor air pollutant is 1,000 times more likely to reach your lungs than an outdoor pollutant!

The air in your home could be making you sick!

Sniffles, a scratchy throat or watery eyes don’t necessarily mean you’re sick with a cold or the flu. In reality, about 50% of all illnesses are caused or aggravated by indoor air pollution. And, an estimated 1,500 hazardous substances can be found in the typical American home. Couple that with the fact that we spend an astonishing 90% of our lives indoors, and you can better understand the ballooning number of wellness issues facing modern society.

So what types of things are lingering in the air in your home?

Allergens such as dust, dander & pollens. Carbon monoxide escaping from fireplaces and gas stoves. Live dust mites and their residue in furniture and bedding. Noxious, gas-emitting pesticides. Mold and bacteria funneling through heating, cooling and ventilation systems. Volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) out-gasing from paint and carpeting. The myriad of pollutants released by common household air fresheners and cleansers.

How then, are you to protect yourself and your loved ones?

You need an air treatment system… but which one?

Having researched this question for over ten years, we were truly surprised how utterly inadequate and ineffective most of the air purifiers we tested were. In fact, several of the better known brands were just plain worthless!

After 10 years of research, we are pleased to recommend the Airwise Purifier!

We are happy to provide the solution—the revolutionary Airwise Purifier. Airwise provides a healthy answer for allergy related sinus and respiratory problems. This compact purifier is based on advanced technology that goes beyond mechanical filtration methods—the difference between simply filtering air and purifying it. Airwise uses photocatalysis to oxidize pollen, mold, mildew and odors. It destroys bacteria, viruses, and settles airborne particulate.

Browse Our High Quality, Air Purification

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